The photo below is of one of the original faucets on the sink. It is probably original and we plan on re-building the insides and using it. Since the sink pre-dates modern bathroom plumbing fixtures, we will use the mix and match faucets that came on the sink, but try to find the ceramic handles like the one pictured below.

Duckies Update!
Don't they look cuddly?! They are really bonded and are never more than three inches apart. When one of them eats, they all eat. When one of them drinks, they all drink. When one of them... you get the idea. They are growing so fast.

You can see one of the chicks I hatched in my classroom about 6 weeks ago keeping watch over the flock of duckies by night. The eight little chickens I hatched think they are so tough and try to boss the duckies around. They usually succeed. I have a feeling a week or two will see some "changing of the guard" as the duckies gain a little confidence.
I bought 35 chicks the other day to replenish my layers and to fill some meat bird orders, and saw these bantam chicks and I just could not resist! I don't know what breeds they are, but I do know that they are pretty danged cute!! I am going to do some research and see if I can figure out what I have. Ruth took some photos for me.
Enjoy the pics!
YES!!!! I love the sink!! Such a great idea! If you're not looking for authentic handles, I bet Restoration Hardware would have some cool old-looking faucet accessories. I might even go to their website. Really a great idea! You should send before and after photos to Design Sponge!
Can't wait to see it installed in the bathroom! So rustic.
And those duckies are getting so big already, I can't believe it! Such adorable new baby chicks, you have quite the collection now!
ps. I'm NEVER the first to comment!!!
Great idea and job with the sink Don - it'll look really good!
You should be able to find replacements no trouble for the taps (as we call 'em) or faucets - or failing that - as you say buy the inside bits (cartridges) from any plumbing supplier - you'll probably need the ceramic ones for those taps.
Those ducks are looking so much bigger now - they'll soon be ruling the roost I bet - the chicks are really cute too - makes me want to go sort everything out - I'm sure one day I'll get round to making a new home for the ladies and maybe even a duck!
Love the sink. Good idea with the table. My neigboor has an old one she wants to give me but I'm still trying to convince MM. I planned to keep it outside...maybe mount on the back of the barn and use to clean the garden veggies. Those duckies and chicks are super cute...great pics as always Ruth. We have more hatching out this week. Our incubator has run continously.
Lesley: good idea about restoration hardware. We're going to look around at the various antique stores to see if we can find handles that will work
Hey Stiggy: I think you are right about the insides of the taps. I will probably take them apart and take whatever is inside to the hardware store so I can be sure that it will work.
One project at at time over there! You have more trouble with foxes than I do.
country girl: an outdoor sink is something I have been considering as well.
Are you hatching out chicks from your own eggs?
i love the sink! a sink in a chest of drawers is all the rage so why not a table!!! and the price is perfectly fabulous! your chicks are so sweet & precious..ruth is such a great photographer...i love that little guy in the last pic on the right...could steal your heart away, that one..
I love the sink in the table! Wish I had a bathroom large enough to do something like that but mine is barely bigger than an outhouse! *laughing*
The ducklings are growing fast. I remember how ours always stuck together. I guess they figured there was safety in numbers. You should get geese... they are so fun!
jean: thanks for stopping by. We saw a sink in a chest of drawers and got the idea to do a table instead. (since we happened to have one lying around)
Debbie: a smaller bathroom has its advantages when it's cleaning time!
I think I will get some some geese when they come around to our feed store.
I love the table/sink. That is such a creative idea. The ducks are looking great. It makes me wish I had more ducklings. If you were close, I could probably hook you up with some geese about the first of the month. The goose wants to hatch babies more than I want to get bit trying to take her eggs!
First (or second) time commenting, but long time lurker.
I just wanted to suggest that you may have wyandotte chicks, one gold laced, the other silver laced
You have quite the farmyard livestock program developing. :)
millie: thanks for stopping by. I wish I lived a little closer so I could see your beautiful goats! Your photos are really good.
I want geese!!
Chris: Thanks for leaving a comment! I think you are correct in your breeds of the bantams. They look just like the photos. I'm happy cuz both those breeds are very nice!
That's a terrific sink! And I bet it's heavy, too. Great idea with the table. I've always wanted to do that with an antique dresser in a bathroom.
Cute chickies and duckies!
Don, you tickle me to death! I wonder what your brain looks like when you go to bed at night. Does it ever stop? If it's not duckies or chicks or geese, it's ooooold stuff and farmware. I love it all.
What a awesome idea for such a great sink!
Bargain....Gotta love that.
Your chicks and ducks are the bomb! So cute and I can imagine them all waddling and clucking around your property!
I want Ducks But Yeah a Goose would sufice!
We regularly have to give way to a gaggle near our houise on the way to school!! Country life!
susan: thanks for the complimment on the shabby sink! It is a bit heavy, and I have to add some structural pieces to the table to make sure it can handle the sink and the day to day usaage.
ginnie: I am a getting a little carried away!
cupcakes: it would be nice to have a gaggle of geese parading around! I think I may need to wait another year for that!
I've not posted in about a year and a half and am now trying to dive back in! I'm going back and looking at what were my blogs of inspiration!!! Your blog is STILL AMAZING and INSPIRES ME!!! I LOVE it!!! Have a great day!
I do love old sinks. They add such character to the room they are in. Love the drop in table idea.
And the runners! Oh I do love the way they look when upright. They look..well.. like their running to get somewhere fast! LOL :)
Those chicks are adorable. When we lived in Maine so many years ago, my husband managed a baby chick hatchery and I plucked the day old chicks out of the trays and de-beaked them. There were always a few that were marked like chipmunks. They were my favorites!
Have you shown the movie "Fly Away Home" to your kids?
I like the sink a lot!!
I LOVE your blog!!!!
be careful what you wish for!
geese are great, but oh man the mess...your chicks look great!!
good to see you.....
Anne Marie
(you are my main man on chicken referrals btw)
Geese can be mean - and may make life difficult for the other birds/fowl.
I, too, want a sink outside and have to convince others it is a good idea.
As much as I enjoy modern conveniences, I prefer a look that reflects the age of the farmhouse.
Hi Don, I know it's been a long time, but hopefully I will stick around for a while! Loving the sink, chicks and ducklings! My poultry addiction is developing fast, come and over and you'll see what I'm talking about!!
What a nifty sink! And such cute birds -- baby birds are so adorable! I think you NEED geese!
WAO Its really amazing post, i love this post, Thank you so much
Reliable sink.
Love the sink in the old table. I did put a sink in an old sideboard. Love the look!
I love that sink...and the table is a unique idea.
"A View from the Green Barn" has been included in this weeks Sites To See. I hope you like the image I featured, and I hope this helps to attract many new visitors here.
Hey it would have been fine with me if this sink would have been in the bathroom:) love the pics of the little chicks - babies of any kind are adorable!
Fabulous Sink--great idea! The pics of your ducks and pullets are so adorable. Love it!
Amy at Verde Farm
I love your duckies! And your bantam chicks are adorable! I'm sure by now they're all grown up :) One of my favorite parts about this post was the end...I want geese!!! ;)
Nice info here. Keep us these great posts!
Beautiful content of this site. Thanks for you info.....
ohhhhh what great pics! I love little chickies and ducks! We had some in The Netherlands and they were a lot of work but also very pleasing to the eye!
Oh my goodness!really wonderful pictures,and the chicks photo is awesome, beautiful so beautiful.
I love mounting sinks in other random pieces of furniture!
your duckies are adorable as are your baby chicks. i read some of the other comments and i am astonished that someone debeaked poor little chicks! sigh...back to your lovely blog that i just discovered...daddy had ducks when he was young and my sis in florida rehabs motherless orphans given to her by the rehab center down there. so glad you aren't going to eat them. and i read where you mentioned that you humanly put down the rooster with no pain. not sure how that happened but it tells me that you care about animals and to me that means so much. i also read about tapping the maple trees. very interesting as i always wanted to have sugar maples. my ancestors all are from vermont and of course that was the norm. when grampy was very very young he had to spend all day in the sugar house stirring sap. i have my vermont folks on my blog in case you are interested in that sort of thing. actually i posted last march about maple sugaring. so looking forward in following and learning about your farm.
Wow! Whats happened? I have your last post as showing Saturday, April 10, 2010. Are you still here? Am 'I' messing up? Have you started a 'new' blog?
I haven't been on your site in quite a while and am already missing your posts.
Love your duckie pics.
I really enjoyed your blog post, i always got good, relevant and useful information from your new and unique posts, i m sure your blog will keep us continues update. Thanks for providing us such useful information.
Great deal on the sink! Funny what you find in this world. Love the little guy pictures! Nice blog.
How very creative! Nice to see that there are still people in this world that can go out there and create there own things and ideas! would like to see how it looks in the barn bathroom though... Thanks for the adorable chick pics too! Did you ever get any geese?
Don: I am so sad that you haven't posted in over a year. I miss your posts. Hope all is well with you guys on the farm!
Like me you must be busy,looking at the date on this bit of blog,its over a year old,we have just got some new chucks at the Chucks r us H.Q ,ive put some pics on the blog then had a look at yours.Looking good ....chicken j ... out
wow,wonderful,is so sweet!!
Wow, a 10 dollar sink, that's amazing!
cute and comel
I didn't understand what is you post about?? Home renovation, Zoo keeping or Chicken?? :)
business from home
Well you must be a southern-er! We jump from house designs to chicken houses to about whatever we have on our minds lol. And they say new Yorkers think a mile a minute. I love the sink! Its got character. I can see a little 3 foot tall boy with dirty feet and overalls washing his little dirty hands in it.
I agree totally with you raylene! Its a good blog. Skip,hop and jump oh yes yes yes
saya suka dengan duck, sangat lucu dan imut
Thanks for sharing amazing information !!!!!!
We all appreciate with your blog information ..
Please keep up sharing.
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Hi-I know this post is old but I’m looking to do the same thing with an old family drop leaf table. Can you tell me if you sealed the top with something? I want to make sure the bathroom environment doesn’t ruin the top. Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks
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