I planted tomatoes, lettuce, pole beans, pumpkins and loads of coleus, ranunculus and sunflowers. I am going to get some other things started in the next week and move things in and out of some cold frames I have in my brain.

Plant Growing Cart
Brandywine Tomatoes
I did a little research on this tomato and discovered that it is one of the tastiest, but also one of the most mysterious. Apparently an Ohio man inherited some seeds from a lady whose family had grown them for almost 80 years, and he is credited as the one who preserved this variety. But there are many varieties of tomatoes that call themselves "Brandywines" and some are excellent and some are not. I hope I have the excellent ones! (duh)
I am looking forward to (my) still-warm-from-the sun, garden-fresh, sliced tomatoes with hot, buttered sweet corn. I might toss in a Wisconsin bratwurst to make it a complete summerfest.
A Rose is a Rose
Julie King and Ruth both had the same idea for a name, and I felt like the name Rose was a great fit for this Black Minorcan hen. Julie, if you read this, I am planning on sending you some sort of prize, (if you are interested in receiving some sort of prize, email me with your address!!).

Your garden looks deliciously ambitious ... My favorite summertime meal also includes homegrown tomatoes and corn on the cob, with the catch of the day. Though I like the idea of throwing a brat on too!
Laura: I knew there were at least three reasons I like you so much!! Adding the catch of the day makes at least four!
Oh how wonderful is that cart!!!
Home grown vegies..Not much better than that!
Brandywine tomatoes are meant to be beautiful to eat.
We grew some Black russians and ox hearts too...
The ox hearts are huge!
Talking of huge,You should see our Chicks,They look like real Chickens now...Big!
Definately have one rooster...Very good looking one too.
And one other suspect rooster
Don, I have a few plants coming up from seed too. My cucumber plants have gone wild and it's still to early to put them out, not too sure what to do with them til then. Also, I picked up 6 Rhode Island Reds, straight run, from tractor supply last week and they are doing fine. I just remembered I havenot had a pic of them on my blog..LOL I forget too much these days. Good luck with the garden and I'll be checking back on your progress.
You are going to have a nice garden! I'll have to check out those brandywine tomatoes...
Mr. C loves Brandywine tomatoes. We always plant them. I have to agree that they are some of the better tasting ones!
We've been (not-so-patiently) waiting for the rain to let up for a couple days so we can till up the garden one more time before we start planting. I'm ready for fresh veggies!!
We are so excited to be getting things ready too! I love spring time!
I do love a brandywine. And, bonus, mine still has bloom set when it was really hot while most didn't.
Love you new cart. I too CAN'T wait for garden fresh tomatoes!
Your photos are just lovely, Don. I am another fan of the brandywine tomato. I have been growing them for quite a few years now and find they're my favourite tomato for a tomato sandwich and our salads. When you get a big brandywine, you only need one slice per sandwich. They're a potato leaf variety so when they start putting on their real leaves, don't think you've sown the wrong seeds. Good luck with your season.
Well, we are into our second month of Autumn and my tomato plant is still producing madly.
And I am patiently waiting for my capsicums to start turning red.
I only have ONE tomato plant and it keeps me busy - I can't imagine how busy you are going to be over the coming months!!
I have little mini cauliflower seeds germinating in my "seed cart" (read:old clapped-out table under melaleuca)at the moment and some early peas.
Oh - have you got any artichokes in??
They make THE most glorious flowers - they would look very nice with the sunflowers.
There's this bloke in England that grows them in a hedge - it looks spectacular.
Artichoke flowers
Holy smokes, Don, I turn my back on you for a minute and look at all you've been up to! Although, when I looked at the blog the forecast on your sidebar said snow! Right next to your title of 'Let's get This Garden Growing!' So good luck!
Two things: Have you read 'Animal Vegetable Miracle' by Barbara Kingsolver? I think you would find it interesting, especially the turkey section.
Also, have you found this blog: http://www.thisgardenisillegal.com/
Useful for your tomato ambitions.
Don, great cart and good luck with your garden, my favorite vegetable are fresh tomatoes from the garden.
I can just see you chomping at the bit, Don, with all your spring/summer activities. You will never have a dull day, for sure. I have memories of my own dad going out to check his green peppers and pole beans! MAN! I wish I knew more about that side of him....
Hi, I am trying to id a chick I received from the McMurray hatchery. You posted a photo from your 2008 batch of chicks that looks exactly like him/her and said you thought it was a golden campine (you had three of them). Just wondering if they did turn out to be golden campines? I've been enjoying your blog since getting started with the chicks. It's really fun to see photos of yours as they grow. Thanks!
Hey fella!
Thouht I'd pop in and say Hi - got a lot to blog about recently, so will get straight on it today.
Nice to see you you're getting those plants going, love the cart!
yes, she looks like a rose doesn't she? i'm honored that both you and ruth liked the name. no prized needed. just visiting your blog is enough! thanks for the link bavk to my blog!
Rose is a beauty! Love the name, seems to fit.
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