Where does all the time gone?
I am not one who usually makes to-do lists. When I do make them, I often misplace them, or forget that I made them, and then find them a year later and wonder why I took the time to make that list. (Ruth is great at making lists and then actually getting everything accomplished. If you ask her, she'll make you a
complete itinerary for two weeks in Paris, complete with walking tours!) However, with that being said, I must get on with making a to-do list for this spring and summer.
First, I need to explain why I feel the need to create a to-do list. Our
daughter is getting married on our little farm on August 1st! That is a pretty good reason to get after things in an orderly manner. Secondly, I have some vegetable gardening goals. Third, I have over 100 chickens and turkeys who all need to be cared and planned for.
Hmmm, I am starting to feel a little overwhelmed!
This is where the wedding ceremony will take place. I am planting several hundred sunflowers as an additional backdrop. The Yucca is moving. Any takers?
Wedding to-do list: (not in order of priority, Ruth will do that in a minute)
1) painting: studio roof, corn crib roof, deck rails, trim three outbuildings, stairway in the house
2) plant 2000 sunflowers
3) plant black pepper plants, coleus and other various flowers for decorations and bouquets
4) plant 20 pounds of wildflower seeds
5) lay new linoleum floor in downstairs bathroom
6) talk to neighbors on both sides about parking
7) finalize plans for the specially brewed beer for the reception
8) finish patio between the shed and the studio
9) tidy all the buildings
10) power wash the house
11) refinish the deck
12) scrape and paint the front porch floor and rails
Vegetable Garden List:
1) remove existing grass from proposed veg patch
2) till the ground thoroughly
3) build 6 raised beds
4) fill beds with nice garden soil and compost
5) start seedlings indoors
6) plan and install watering system
7) build fence and three gates
8) remove perennial bed from the "Three Sisters" circle
9) plant seeds
10)construct cold frames
11) plant seedlings at appropriate times
12) etc.
Poultry List:
1) build another brooder
2) prepare the middle barn room as another coop (build 3 doors, three walls, install chicken wire, move two lights, etc.)
3) other things I can't think of right now
What am I doing with over 100 birds?
Original Flock: 25 Hens
1 Rooster (Khan)
Broody's Babies: 7 (hatched on January 13, gendering still incomplete at this time)
Science Project 22 (hatched on February 13, gendering still incomplete)
Red Broilers 30 (freezer date: early June)
White Broilers 15 (ten for nephew, 5 for donation to food bank)
New Pullets 7 (2 aracaunas, 5 welsummers)
Turkeys 7 (3 bronze giants, 4 white giants, Thanksgiving for various families)
Science Fair hatchlings. The white ones are Light Brahmas, Rhode Island Reds and a Black Sex Link, from Eagle Nest Poultry.
Three or four of the as-of-yet non-gendered roosters are destined for new homes, (people have asked me for a rooster or two). All other rooster will head to the Amish butcher sometime in June. So, by mid-June, I will be down to 7 turkeys, 1 rooster, and between 40 and fifty layers.
If you are still reading this, thank you, but I am sorry for the tediousness.
This list will be much more difficult to lose!
My niece holding and adoring Jinx, a red broiler. (no. I didn't tell her!)