On January 13, 2009, Broody, my Partridge Cochin hen, hatched out 7 chicks. Well, here they are at about ten weeks, getting all grown up. They moved in with the main flock and are merging quite well. They get a quick nip on the back if they hog the goodies, but generally they stick together and sleep in various places. One of them actually snuggles up with the mighty Khan each night.
Another group that I am watching grow up is my third grade class. I have included some of their poems, written after studying "Purple Cow" by Gelett Burgess.
"I never saw a purple cow
I never hope to see one
But I can tell you anyhow
I'd rather see than be one"

The chicks are getting so big!! I'm impressed with the creativity of your students. Everything from M&Ms to Jonas Brothers!
What great poems! What funny, inventive kids. Wonderful.
And the chicks... beautiful too. How many girls vs boys?
Love the chicks! Ours our are about 4 weeks old now. :)
Your students are so creative and funny! I really enjoyed the poems.
Isn't it amazing how fast the chicks grow up? They're right purty!
Hooray for the Jonas Brothers poem! I still like Taylor Swift's mini-video of playing with a Jonas Brothers doll.
Against my own better judgment, I'm going to video an acoustic set of "The Academy Is..." tonight - a slightly more sophisticated version of the Jonas Brothers, for Honors and IB students that might have a brain. What was I thinking??!! If necessary, I'll take your student's advice and spray them with a hose.
oh how fun it must be to teach 3rd graders!! the purple cow poem is a favorite of mine that i memorized decades (literally) ago and still remember to this day.
those look like full-grown chickens to me!!! wow!
I so love kids and chooks too!
How great are the poems and just look at your once were "babies"!!!
I will post some piccies soon of my 7,Gee have they grown..What is the final pictures chooks breed??
and did you end up with hens or roosters or not sure yet?
It has been so exciting watching along with you guys.
The chicks are cute and the poems are too. Hey speaking of your third graders have you ever had them read the Little Britches series?
I'm going to sit and work on that perspective on seeds I was going to get to you. I promise it by Wednesday.
Wonderful post. I love the poem about the Jonas brothers, haha.
and of course loved seeing the brood's photos.
What a joyful charge you have Don,in the opportunity and obligation to steer those young minds in a positive and creative direction.
I am quite sure that most,if not all of them will remember you and your life lessons all their days.
nice blog
john (North Wales UK)
Your students' poems are fantastic--so clever and humorous! Did they illustrate them as well?
You're a fabulous teacher, Don!
Lots of whim to make me swim... I love all your chicks... which ones does I picks?
adorable.. .. happy school days of the innocents... you are guiding them well... Tell them I need help with my poem...
Your chooks look great - strutting about!
Those poems are good - and the illustration with them are a great addition. Nothing like when I was in school and we wrote in crayon on coloured paper for visual effect!
Your chooks look great - strutting about!
Those poems are good - and the illustration with them are a great addition. Nothing like when I was in school and we wrote in crayon on coloured paper for visual effect!
Lol, the poems are hilarious!!!! Interesting post, watching both students and chicks growing must be quite the experience.
I wonder if Nicholas could write a poem like any one of your kids, Don. Seriously! I believe YOU have something to do with it!
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