They're starting to look like chickens.
OK, I know I am obsessed, but I'm giving an update anyway. Here are some photos taken at three weeks and one day old.
White Polish Crested Chick.
She is so calm. She'll just sit in my hand, or wherever. She is having trouble eating out of the little red feeders I have. Her head and "hair" won't fit into the holes! She looks a little yellowish. Is there a yellow or golden Polish? I'm getting a Big Girl Feeder tomorrow.

Gold Pencil Hamburg and a Silver Polish Crested (I think)
I haven't named any of the chicks yet, (except for the two Splash Andalusians, whom we named "Daryl, and her sister Daryl." (from the movie "Splash")
White Crested Black Polish and the Silver Polish
That is some head of hair!
She is a very pale taupe color, and gets along with everybody. (Hmm, that sounds like a comment on a report card)
Cuckoo Maran
This one is the top of the pecking order right now. She doesn't go around and beat up anyone, but she stands up to all those who try to dominate her. I think she is a hen, due to her dark coloring.
I grew up with an Uncle Sam who owned a farm up near Loomis, MI. My parents would drop me off for weeks at a time in the summer and I would do everything from ride the calves to pick blueberries for breakfast. It seems like farms lend themselves to childhood joy!
Eli (my nephew's son), returned to the farm this weekend and couldn't get enough of the quail. He carried this one around for quite a long time. It crowed the whole time too! These quail are so gentle and don't seem to mind being lugged around. Eli was very careful.

Aden and Lydia weren't as sure as Eli, but after watching him hold the bird and not die, they decided they could try petting it.
More Quail
Here is grandpa quail with a little cutie (the bird).
I love spring and all the life that comes around with it. Look at Eli in the background. Who needs a jungle gym when you have a good stump?
Balancing Ballerina
Lydia showing her brothers what all of her training and experience are for.
Fallen Apple
Nice spot to get away from it all.
My son, Peter, playing his guitar in Ruth's studio. Today the band Meridian, had a photo shoot at the farm for their new CD release. They spent a lot of time in ten different locations around the farm shooting hundreds of pics. Ruth stole this shot of Peter through a window.

Meridian at the Green Barn
Peter's Band
Coop Update
Here I am contemplating the final pieces of the floor/ceiling. I decided to use as much salvaged lumber as I could and then fill in with new. In a few years it'll all look like it's been around. I should be able to put the chicks in the coop next weekend. It was too cold this weekend and I am not quite ready.
My Cathedral
Now THAT is robin's egg blue.