The Pullet who cried "Hey! What am I supposed to do in here!"

I have finally named this
Cuckoo Maran pullet; her name is
Wolf. (After the Aesop story about the boy who cried, "wolf.")
I walked around to the chicken yard and Khan was nowhere to be seen. Khan is the head rooster and is very protective of his girls. He stares down any
hawk that floats by, he crows whenever an airplane goes over or when a motorcycle roars past, and he is always outside snooping around to make sure all is well in his world. I immediately worried that a hawk decided that a rooster would make a nice dinner.
I opened the door to the coop and went inside to see what was going on. That was when I spotted "Wolf" sitting in a nestbox, and about a dozen other pullets milling around looking at her. I took a step toward Wolf and was startled by a sudden movement to my right. Khan was also sitting in a nesting box, apparently keeping guard over his favorite girl, and he jumped out and flapped to the floor with a loud squawk. I was relieved that Khan still lived, but I was more interested in what I was hoping Wolf was up to in the nesting box. Her beak was open and she seemed to be laboring a little, so I decided to leave her alone and come back later to see what she was up to.
I had my suspicions, and it was really hard to go away!
I did some obscure chores to pass some time and then went back to the coop to see what had happened. I had my cell phone poised to call Ruth to bring the camera and went into the coop. The coop was completely empty, (except for the two little Japanese Bantams). Holding my breath, (Really!!), I peered into the nesting box which held Wolf. Nada, nil, nuttin', no egg, not even a feather! Of course, I checked every box and every corner, just in case she changed her mind and did the deed somewhere else. Nothing, no eggs.
I went to the window that looks out at the chicken run and spotted Wolf picking at some scratch I had tossed out a little earlier, oblivious to all the excitement she had caused. Also oblivious to the HUGE letdown she gave me!! She spotted me and came running over to the window to do her little song and dance for treats. (she really has one). Well, I had a grape tomato in my pocket and was tempted to toss it to Floozey, but I relented and dropped it secretly so only she could get it.
OK, I actually had a lot of fun with all of the expectations, but enough already!
Amy of Twelve Acres seconded the motion set forth by
Ruth on her blog to call them "OGGS."
Here is Khan, the protector of all things pullet.

The OGG watch continues...